Wtf is that?!! 一点诚意也无女权复仇者联盟穿越加《99热久久爱五月天婷婷》梗一点层层推进的悬念也没有无非就是装神弄鬼我也猜到啦是不这推理我给0分不好好讲一个故事穿越尼玛也玩得有水平点好伐还嗑药还有我不知道Moriaty是出来干嘛的想凑齐人露脸也不带这么多与剧情无关的废话的
Liam说成员之间的争执是“When we have a row, is like we have a row with a sibling. And you will be massively annoyed at each other, but then we'll both laugh and that will be the end of it. You are just back to being best mate.”真的是五个熊孩子做着很多疯狂的事OUT OF CONTROL!!!